Thursday, August 16, 2007

Plein-air Paintings

Portrait Of A Cloud

Open Road

Treetops, Washington

Leo Carrillo

Once upon a time, a couple of young painters hit the road w/ their French easels and painted along the way. We'd spend about 2 hours at a spot and whip out these plein-air ( I think thats how you spell it) paintings. We'd even sell some to locals for beer money and maybe another night or two. Here are a couple of those bad boys, freshly dusted for your viewing pleasure.


Anonymous said...

these are gorgeous pat.. which ones can i have for my living room? love nana banana

Patrick Kochakji said...

You already have all the best ones.

Anonymous said...

aaww is that story true?
great paintings.

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.